Kindness--Just ONE of the Superpowers!
We are well into our school year by now and students and teachers are getting used to their new schedules. I am slowly learning the kinderkids' names and getting into the classrooms to teach lessons. I love this time to talk with all the students and learn about each of them, as well as bring lessons to promote their social/emotional learning!
KINDNESS is our theme for September, although we are reminded that kindness, caring, sharing, helping, gentleness, and love are always important--no matter what time of year! :) Below are some ways to incorporate kindness and remind your child (and hey, we as adults) to be kinder and gentler with one another.
What is RAK you may ask? Well it's when people do kind things to others, unexpectedly. The random act of kindness can be as simple as giving a smile, helping someone with a task or even anonymously leaving something to brighten someone's day.
Watch this video to get an idea of one man's way of giving back.
Homeless pay for haircuts with hugs in Connecticut town
It's no secret that
we need to
affirm more and criticize less.
I love to affirm people,
to catch them making good choices,
and to delight in their presence even if their choices aren't all that good.
To let them know that they are loved.
How about this lovely idea?
Go into backpacks and planners and desks and put sticky-note affirmations
on students' desks and children's backpacks.
Talk about love that sticks!

Talk about love that sticks!
And who doesn't love to be affirmed?
To have someone tell you that you are loved.
That you are valued. And valuable.
It's not always easy.
In fact, most of the time it's hard.
Really, really difficult.
Challenging even.
Some people seem really unlovable.
Those are the people who need our unconditional positive regard the most.
So we must press on.
Because there's too much anguish in this world
not to be the peacemaker who makes a difference.

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