Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

During this month, individuals and organizations will be drawing attention the the problem of suicide and advocating to prevent this terrible tragedy. Suicide is a national health problem that currently ranks as the 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10 – 24.  Suicide is also one of the leading causes of preventable death in our nation. 

The Jason Foundation is currently planning events to spread the word and awareness about suicide. If you click on the link above, it will take you to a site that has information about the challenge they are using to raise awareness about this silent epidemic that is stealing our youth.

#BeThe1To is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s message for National Suicide Prevention Month and beyond, which helps spread the word about actions we can all take to prevent suicide. The Lifeline network and its partners are working to change the conversation from suicide to suicide prevention, to actions that can promote healing, help and give hope.